Why You Should Achieve a Balanced Humidity Level

Why You Should Achieve a Balanced Humidity Level

Got an LG R32 aircon that uses LG R32 refrigerant gas that you operate daily to cool yourself? Temperature isn’t the only way to determine your comfort and vice versa. 

Humidity also plays a huge role, and it may sometimes be overlooked because of a focus on temperature. Regardless of where you’re situated, humidity remains a key issue. In particular, we face high humidity levels in humid Singapore, making the heat extra unbearable. 

Humidity can affect your mood, sleep, and even your home maintenance. Some modern air conditioners are equipped with a dry mode that helps you to regulate humidity instead of simply using cool mode or using the temperature setting to improve your cooling comfort. 

For example, smart air conditioners have this feature. Let’s look at what humidity is and why it’s important to control your humidity levels indoors. 

What Is Humidity?

When we talk about humidity, we’re referring to the moisture levels in the air. While temperatures rise and fall, their ability to hold water varies. When you have a higher temperature, it holds more water, and vice versa. 

Indoors, it’s ideal to have a humidity level of 30% to 45%, though this figure is usually higher in Singapore. 

The Positive Effect of Humidity 

Incorrect humidity levels can lead to discomfort and a higher possibility of falling sick. If you face high humidity levels, you may sweat a lot and feel stuffy. When you maintain an ideal humidity level, you can experience positive effects like a reduced risk of infections, skin that doesn’t dry out so easily, better sleep quality, and better breathing. 

Apart from these, it can also help to maintain your home because of its effect on furniture and wiring. 

Drawbacks of High Humidity

When there’s excessive levels of moisture indoors, it makes you feel highly uncomfortable and creates the perfect environment for fungi, mold and mildew to grow and disperse. These pollutants can spread illnesses through the air and reduce your indoor air quality. 

It may even aggravate your loved ones who suffer from allergies. If you’re working from home, you may feel irritable, lazy, lethargic and sweat excessively. In Singapore, we experience high humidity levels constantly because of the weather. 

Drawbacks of Low Humidity 

Both a high and low humidity level spell trouble for you. While high humidity levels act as a fantastic breeding ground for fungi and mold, low humidity levels make it great for bacteria and viruses to grow and multiply. It can also lead to skin conditions, dry skin and cracked lips. 

It also causes people to feel colder than they actually are because dry air draws moisture from the skin. It forces people to increase the heating, leading to higher electricity bills. Dry air can also damage wooden furniture quickly.


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